Refugee Integration in South East Europe (RISEE)

RISEE explores refugees’ entry routes, their integration outcomes, subsequent challenges throughout the COVID pandemic and the provision of support services in the region.


RISEE also explores how South-Eastern European states’ refugee-absorption capacity has affected the relocation scheme that was adopted by the EU in 2015 and how do the political economy differences between Eastern and Western Europe play out in terms of responsibility-sharing within the EU.


RISEE examines first-entry asylum-claiming states, transitory non-EU countries and relocation-receiving EU member states.

Research sites: Greece, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Romania.


The research team

Raluca Bejan, Dalhousie University, oversees the project and conducts data collection in Greece and Romania.  

René Bogovic, University of Toronto, conducts data collection in Bosnia and Croatia.  

Salim Nabi, York University, conducts data collection in Greece.  

Tracy Glynn, St. Thomas University conducts desk research and oversees the literature searches on the topic.  

Research Goals


Assess refugees’ situation post arrival and explore how service provision in the region changed throughout the COVID pandemic  

Assess how ideas of responsibility-sharing inform the EU/non-EU transitory phenomena